Kamis, 07 Februari 2008

Why after install new software need reboot

Why after install new software need reboot

Most of the time, after we install new software into our computer, the Windows will pop-up message prompting the new setting will only take effect after reboot the system, asking user want to reboot now or not. Actually, there are a few reasons why it need to reboot.

When user double click the setup file to begin software installation, the setup file will auto extract it content and copy the file to specific folder. However, some of the DLL files will be copy to system folder, which normally at "\Windows\System" for Windows 98, "\Winnt\System32" for Windows 2000, or "\Windows\System32" for Windows XP.

Modification of DLL files require reboot

During the process of copying the DLL files to system folder, if the system folder already exists a DLL file with the same name and currently in-use by the Windows system, then the setup process cannot overwrite that DLL file. In this case, for Windows 98, it will rename the DLL file which going to be copy to other file name, the write a setting at Wininit.ini file. Then request reboot the Windows system. If user reboot the system, then the Windows will read Wininit.ini setting and execute the setting. In this way, it will be able to replace the old DLL file with the new DLL file. For Windows 2000 and Windows XP, there are also using similar method to replacing the DLL files.

Modification of Windows registry setting require reboot

The setup process will also write some setting into the Windows registry. For most of the Windows registry setting, Windows will only read once, which is during booting of Windows operating system. Therefore, the setup process will require to reboot Windows so that these registry setting value is pickup by Windows. The newly install software will need this registry setting value to operate nicely. Of course, there also some of the Windows registry setting will be read by Windows every time Windows need it.

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