Kamis, 31 Januari 2008

Eight Steps to Writing an Outstanding Podcast

Eight Steps to Writing an Outstanding Podcast
by: Courtland Bovee

Podcasts are on the cutting edge of business communication, allowing you to speak with your own voice directly to your audience. They add variety to your blog or website and prove that you know how to stay ahead of the pack.

But hitting "record" without putting some thought into what you're going to say and how you're going to say it is a fatal mistake. Here are eight steps to follow for creating a podcast that makes your listener want to come back for more.

1. Choose a theme. Pick an issue about which you feel confident speaking. Try to narrow it down to a particular angle or perspective-think news clip, not university lecture. The best podcasts touch on a specific subject and cover it in depth, rather than attempting to discuss the history of Western Europe in three minutes or less.

2. Consider your audience. How much does your audience know about your subject? What style of reporting will connect with them? The more you put yourself in your listeners' shoes, the better you will be able to speak directly to them. Be sure to include a response to any previous questions or suggestions-your audience doesn't want to feel ignored.

3. Prepare an outline. Expand on your theme by coming up with four or five main elements or topics to discuss. Put the most important and engaging information first; this will hook your listener and entice them to hear out the rest of it. Even if you don't write your script word for word, an outline will help you organize your thoughts into a tidy framework.

4. Think ahead for interviews. If you want to include an interview in your podcast, it's a good idea to plan ahead. Make a list of questions you want to ask for sure, but remember that sometimes the best sound bites happen off-the-cuff. Feel comfortable enough with your interviewee to ask follow-up questions and allow the conversation to travel somewhere more interesting if the opportunity arises.

5. Use simple sentences and language. Keep the tone natural and conversational, as if you are speaking with a listener face-to-face-just as you would for any business writing. Toss any words that would send someone reaching for the dictionary; likewise, avoid long sub-clauses and complex syntax (these things only bury the point). Just because your sentences are short and clear does not mean your language has to be dry. Do not be afraid to use sensory descriptions to put your listener right in the heart of the action.

6. Keep it succinct. The length of your podcast depends on your subject and audience-but no matter how much information you feel is absolutely crucial to your point, listeners will lose interest if it drags. No footnotes or unnecessary diversions here; just the facts, ma'am.

7. Do a practice run. This is especially important if you're working from a basic outline. Read the script for a friend or family member for their (honest!) feedback, or record yourself once and listen to it. Be on the lookout for awkward pauses, confusing sections, and stumbling points. Make notes and do another few run-throughs with the changes incorporated.

8. Print it out. It's much easier to read from a piece of paper than from a computer screen, so print out your script before you record. Enlarging the font helps too. If you're worried about losing your place during recording, highlight a few key words or mark the beginning of different sections to keep you on track.

The more thoroughly you prepare your script, the more confident you will be when it comes down to recording it-and the more effective your podcast will be because of it.

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3939.shtml

Selasa, 29 Januari 2008

A Short History of Email

A Short History of Email
by: Jimson Lee

This may feel like a mini-course in ancient history, but I am only going back 20 years.

Back in the mid 1980’s during University, my email was a mcgill.ca address while my American associates had an “.edu” email address. Access to these systems was through a Telnet session at any of the school’s terminals. From home, I could dial-in to a SLIP server with a 2400 baud modem, and get my email as long as I had a Telnet client.

Those who didn’t go to College had access to a Freenet account, which was also accessible through Telnet.

When I graduated and had to pay for an Internet Service Provider, I accessed email through POP and SMTP with Outlook or Eudora for years until I needed the ability to access the web from anywhere in the world. IMAP helped bridge the gap as long as the mail client was setup on my work and home computer so all my mail, Inbox, Sent Items, and Drafts, were synchronized.

With the popularity of web based emails by the mid 1990’s, the big 3 were MSN's Hotmail, Yahoo! and Google's Gmail. People would change or have multiple accounts as storage space was often the biggest headache. It wasn't long ago when 2 megabytes was the maximum storage space. Gmail was the first to offer 2 gigabytes of storage, and continuously growing.

Most web based email providers had the ability to download POP email, but your email “from” or “reply-to” address was usually your web based email address. This is acceptable for personal use, but not for corporate use.

At a corporate level, Microsoft Exchange combined with the Outlook client was extremely popular, and is still popular today. Exchange is a messaging and groupware server that uses IMAP as one of the many protocols to access email. It also has the Outlook Web Access feature which was more convenient than conventional web based email as it had your contacts, shared calendars and public folders.

Today, I still like using Outlook, as it offers a great “store and forward” mechanism: the ability to work off-line on my laptop. I can easily work in Draft mode on an airplane and connect to the Internet to synchronize my mailbox when back on land. Plus, my Contacts are synchronized with my Palm PDA or Blackberry wireless handheld device.

Sure, I could download my Yahoo or Gmail to my Outlook by using POP, but it wouldn't synchronize any changes. It also depends if my mail was deleted on the server after downloading, or stored on the server. Sorting email can be painfully slow with Yahoo compared to Gmail's lightning fast search algorithm, but you can't sort by file size, for example.

Now that Gmail supports IMAP, by combining it with Outlook, I combine the best of both worlds. There are some features of Outlook I cannot live without, and with the popularity of social networking, integration with LinkedIn or Facebook makes it more appealing.

There is a trend for personal email decreasing in favor of Instant Messaging and text messaging via cell phone. However, Email will always have a place in the corporate world.

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_800.shtml

Transform that Dead Slow PC Into a MONSTER Machine 15 Minutes From NOW With My Help.......

Transform that Dead Slow PC Into a MONSTER Machine 15 Minutes From NOW With My Help.......
by: Steven Magill

Everybody has computer problems from time to time. Some of the problems are simple ("I can't get the printer to print") and some are more alarming ("why is my computer monitor's screen blue?"). The good news is that most of the common computer problems are easily fixed.

Usually the biggest problem a computer will have is negligence by the owner. Almost all of the common computer problems can be avoided by some simple maintenance that gets done on a regular basis. As a computer owner, you will want to take care to empty your cache on a regular basis, make sure that your major software is up to date, clean your registry often and run anti-virus and anti-spyware scans routinely.

The most common of the common computer problems is a lack of speed. Your computer can slow down for a number of reasons. In fact, some slowing as time goes on is normal. After all, regular wear and tear on anything will slowly break it down, right? Your computer is no different. That being said, your computer could be running more slowly because of a number of reasons. Perhaps you have fragmented files, or you have overloaded your system with a bunch of programs that you no longer need nor use. Sometimes your start up menu gets overloaded. All of these common computer problems can be fixed manually and there are a number of easy to follow tutorials that you can find on the internet that will tell you how to fix them.

Sometimes it will seem as if your computer has changed all by itself. Maybe you used to be a die-hard Mozilla Firefox user and now when you try to boot up the internet, Internet Explorer has become the default program. Sometimes your home page will have changed or instead of having a google toolbar, now your web browser displays a yahoo toolbar. This means that somehow a hijacker has taken over your computer. Sometimes hijacking can occur from spyware that has been installed. Sometimes it can happen because of a virus that you have accidentally downloaded. Sometimes there is a very savvy computer hacker out there who has managed to get into your system. You can thwart these hijacking attempts by installing an anti-virus firewall and by running an anti-spyware program and make sure you run scans as often as possible. Some anti-virus programs have firewalls that will let you know when a hijacking attempt has been thwarted.

Of course some of common computer problems are a result of hardware and mechanical failures. The "blue screen of death" is usually an indicator that something has gone wrong within your system that you will need help fixing. If you have kept up with your maintenance routines and have done everything possible to make sure that you haven't overloaded your computer's resources, a "blue screen of death" is a certain sign that your computer needs professional attention. A professional computer repair person can have you back up and running in no time.

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3945.shtml

Senin, 28 Januari 2008

How Can You Protect Your PC From The Attack Of Virus?

How Can You Protect Your PC From The Attack Of Virus?

If you find a virus in your system and can establish precisely what it is, it is a time to remove it from your system. Having procedures in place to detect viruses is important is a plan for how you will remove what ever you find.

you must remember that the majority of virus alarms turn out to be false alarms, and are the result of some user , software ,or hardware error , proceed with your detection assuming that although it may be a virus , it just as likely to be something else , so note all symptoms carefully and see what the combination point to.

If the problem turn out to be a virus, it is still important not to panic. You need a cool head to minimize further damage and to remove the virus as cleanly and efficiently as possible, don’t just get out your copy of FORMAT or FDISK and start formatting the hard disk.

Using an Anti-Virus Product

Most antivirus products offer virus removal capabilities. Usually these functions are built into the scanner, giving you the option to remove a virus from a file the moment it is detected in the file. Removal of some viruses is fairly straightforward for antivirus products can remove some viruses, but can’t remove very many. When choosing a product, ask whether the product can remove all common removable viruses.

Some viruses can’t be removed, no matter how clever the author of the antivirus software. This is because the virus has overwritten some of your original program, effectively erasing it. Without knowledge of what was supposed to be where the virus “sat down” all an antivirus product can do is offer to delete the entire program.

Virus Detection Strategy

If the virus is detected in the memory, but not in any file, and if the virus detected is an extremely rare virus, ask yourself whether another scanner that leaves in memory the scan string it was using can produce a false alarm when another scanner runs.

If the virus is detected in only one program on your hard disk , ask your self how often you have used this program ,If you have used it several times in the past , then any virus it has had an opportunity to infect other files, if it has not done so yet, it probably a false alarm , don’t delete the single program in which the virus was reported and don’t attempt removal, instead , reboot from an uninfected , write protected floppy disk and run another scanner to determine if it too finds something in this file . If it doesn’t assume that it is a false alarm.

If the virus is detected in several programs you use commonly, you almost certainly have an infection. Do not attempt to remove the virus product yet! You may cause irreparable harm to your files.

Protecting computers from viruses

Simply, do not give out your email address to widely, and never access a floppy disk given by someone you don’t know. Plus there is a load of antivirus software available which can help detect and clean out viruses, but then remember, virus programmers are driven

By the desire to stay ahead of this kind of software.


There are three things one can do to prevent viral infection in a computer system. These are:-

1) limited sharing of software
2) limited transitivity
3) limited functionality

One can limit sharing by limiting information flow so as to form a post office set of communicating information domains in a network system , in such a system , a virus will spread only to those domains which are in the transitive flow path from its initial source.

In a system with unlimited sharing by limited information paths, limited transitivity may have an effect if users do not use all available paths, but since there is always a direct path between any two user , there s always the possibilities of infection . as an example , in a system , with transitivity limited to a distance of 1, it is safe to share information with any user you trust without having to worry about whether the user has wrongly trusted another user.

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3952.shtml

Windows XP: Errors

Windows XP: Errors
by: Soli Katir

This information is recorded in the registry and needs to be cleaned with a windows registry cleaner regularly. If you upgrade it would be a very good choice: it would speed it up, but you should use the free tools windows have, such as disk cleanup, disk defragmenter, get a registry cleaner and use scandisk to fix errors that can cause slow boot time, just for the basics. But there is no way to rid the registry of this data except with the help of a windows registry cleaner.

These links and references need to be removed manually or with special software such as free Adware Spyware removal tools or Windows XP cleaner software. There are many registry cleaners such as the PC Mantra’s registry cleaner, the PC registry cleaner and the Windows XP registry cleaner that can spruce up your system and make it much more enjoyable to use. Registry Cleaners Are a Must Have Many registry cleaner software such as windows XP registry cleaner, windows free registry cleaner, PC registry cleaner and the like Scan the system registry and locate the obsolete information that is clogging and slowing down the system.

A good registry cleaner such as PC registry cleaner or Windows XP registry Cleaner will detect these links and remove them. The Law of Obligation also presents itself in the following situations: Taking a potential client out to dinner or to play golf, Offering free tire rotation or fluid fill-up between services, Someone washing your car windows at a stoplight whether you want them to or not, Generating money at "free" car washes by asking for a donation after the service is rendered, A carpet cleaner offering to clean your couch for free. A film-developing company thrived on the Law of Obligation. The investment in a good registry cleaner can do the most good for your computer, as it will allow you to concentrate on actually using your PC instead of spending time reinstalling windows in an attempt to eliminate errors and make your computer faster. It is in fact, advisable never to fool around with the Registry unless you have a trusted registry windows cleaner such as the PC registry cleaner or the Eusing free Registry cleaner which are available on many download sites free.

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3954.shtml

Minggu, 27 Januari 2008

Upgrade Windows XP

Upgrade Windows XP
by: Soli Katir

If you upgrade it would be a very good choice: it would speed it up, but you should use the free tools windows have, such as disk cleanup, disk defragmenter, get a registry cleaner and use scandisk to fix errors that can cause slow boot time, just for the basics. The list of such programs builds up over time and we need a windows registry cleaner to clean the registry of these redundant files and programs. Besides finding incorrect or obsolete information in the registry, most registry cleaner utilities provide backup or restore function, allowing users to backup the whole Windows Registry so that they can use the backup to restore the registry to the current status in case they encounter serious system failure.

This information is recorded in the registry and needs to be cleaned with a windows registry cleaner regularly. The investment in a good registry cleaner can do the most good for your computer, as it will allow you to concentrate on actually using your PC instead of spending time reinstalling windows in an attempt to eliminate errors and make your computer faster.

Sometimes using the System Restore feature in Windows can fix problems, so for the less technically experienced this might be the more painless route to go if the above scanning solutions don't work and you don't want to play around with the registry. If you are having problems in running any particular task or program, try bringing up the Windows Task Manager screen by pressing the Ctrl (control), Alt and Delete buttons at the same time, and check to see if you are running any programs that you did not actual start or do not recognize. Given that scenario, it is not a stretch of the imagination but in fact a point of logic to conclude that the broken windows theory should be applied to business, as it was to the problems of crime in urban areas.

The windows registry often encounters problems, but it is programmed to automatically back up essential data that can be restored automatically at a later time when a critical error manifests itself. Registry cleaner software not only scans and fixes Windows Registry, but also provides advanced diagnostics tools for locating serious computer problems before they happen.

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3955.shtml

Windows XP Cleaner Software

Windows XP Cleaner Software
by: Soli Katir

Use one multi-purpose cleaner for windows, mirrors and furniture to enable you to clean many rooms without needing to switch cleaners. There are many registry cleaners such as the PC Mantra’s registry cleaner, the PC registry cleaner and the Windows XP registry cleaner that can spruce up your system and make it much more enjoyable to use. But there is no way to rid the registry of this data except with the help of a windows registry cleaner.

Registry cleaner software not only scans and fixes Windows Registry, but also provides advanced diagnostics tools for locating serious computer problems before they happen. This information is recorded in the registry and needs to be cleaned with a windows registry cleaner regularly. Registry Cleaners Are a Must Have Many registry cleaner software such as windows XP registry cleaner, windows free registry cleaner, PC registry cleaner and the like Scan the system registry and locate the obsolete information that is clogging and slowing down the system.

Besides finding incorrect or obsolete information in the registry, most registry cleaner utilities provide backup or restore function, allowing users to backup the whole Windows Registry so that they can use the backup to restore the registry to the current status in case they encounter serious system failure. To repair the Windows registry errors all you need is an effective registry cleaner. The list of such programs builds up over time and we need a windows registry cleaner to clean the registry of these redundant files and programs.

The investment in a good registry cleaner can do the most good for your computer, as it will allow you to concentrate on actually using your PC instead of spending time reinstalling windows in an attempt to eliminate errors and make your computer faster. The Law of Obligation also presents itself in the following situations: Taking a potential client out to dinner or to play golf, Offering free tire rotation or fluid fill-up between services, Someone washing your car windows at a stoplight whether you want them to or not, Generating money at "free" car washes by asking for a donation after the service is rendered, A carpet cleaner offering to clean your couch for free. How can you apply the Law of Obligation to your industry?

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3956.shtml

Internet Security - How To Avoid Being Infected With Spyware

Internet Security - How To Avoid Being Infected With Spyware
by: Paul Wilcox

Spyware is more than just annoying - it can cause other programs to not work properly and can cause your computer to become quite unstable. Not to mention the privacy issues it brings up.

Spyware is often installed without your knowledge or consent and in many cases can't be removed from your computer without specialized software tools. When the people that distribute it need to resort to tricking you into installing it, there's obviously very little there to warrant your trust.

The first line of defense against spyware is to be careful installing software. Know what's being downloaded. A large percentage of freeware or shareware programs have spyware embedded in them. Sometimes that's disclosed in the user agreement, but often not.

Check for "spyware free" guarantees on software you download. Obviously, anyone can say something is spyware free even when it isn't, but if a website has gone to the trouble to say so, it is more likely to be safe than if they hadn't.

How can you tell if you have spyware on your system? You may see pop-up advertisements even when you aren't browsing the web. Your homepage may have been changed without your consent. New toolbars are installed on your web browser which you didn't request. Your computer may be sluggish or mysteriously reboot on its own. Though, the last effect is usually a virus.

If you do get infected with spyware, there are ways to get rid of it. A number of companies make software designed to get rid of it. These programs will scan your computer and check through their database of known spyware for any matches. These databases get updated frequently as new forms of spyware are found.

Some of these programs are free while others will cost. The paid versions sometimes have additional features, such as automatic scheduled scans. None of them are 100% foolproof however, so it's a good idea to run more than one of them.

Some kinds of spyware are notoriously difficult to get rid of. They may make changes to your Windows files that help them hide from the scanners. On occasion, you may need to delete them manually to be sure they're gone.

Obviously, this is something that you should only attempt if you are quite knowledgeable. You wouldn't want to remove something that is critical for your computer to operate.

Once the spyware has been removed from your system, you should run scans on a regular basis to keep it clean. Whether you do this manually or use a program that does it automatically on a schedule is up to you (and your pocketbook).

And, of course, beware those tempting looking free offers. You may get more than you bargained for.

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3961.shtml

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2008

10 Simple Ways To Speed Up Your Windows XP

10 Simple Ways To Speed Up Your Windows XP
by: Andrew Zarudnev

1. Defrag Disk to Speed Up Access to Data

One of the factors that slow the performance of the computer is disk fragmentation. When files are fragmented, the computer must search the hard disk when the file is opened to piece it back together. To speed up the response time, you should monthly run Disk Defragmenter, a Windows utility that defrags and consolidates fragmented files for quicker computer response.

* Follow Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk Defragmenter
* Click the drives you want to defrag and click Analyze
* Click Defragment

2. Detect and Repair Disk Errors

Over time, your hard disk develops bad sectors. Bad sectors slow down hard disk performance and sometimes make data writing difficult or even impossible. To detect and repair disk errors, Windows has a built-in tool called the Error Checking utility. It’ll search the hard disk for bad sectors and system errors and repair them for faster performance.

* Follow Start > My Computer
* In My Computer right-click the hard disk you want to scan and click Properties
* Click the Tools tab
* Click Check Now
* Select the Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors check box
* Click Start

3. Disable Indexing Services

Indexing Services is a little application that uses a lot of CPU. By indexing and updating lists of all the files on the computer, it helps you to do a search for something faster as it scans the index list. But if you know where your files are, you can disable this system service. It won’t do any harm to you machine, whether you search often or not very often.

* Go to Start
* Click Settings
* Click Control Panel
* Double-click Add/Remove Programs
* Click the Add/Remove Window Components
* Uncheck the Indexing services
* Click Next
4. Optimize Display Settings

Windows XP is a looker. But it costs you system resources that are used to display all the visual items and effects. Windows looks fine if you disable most of the settings and leave the following:

* Show shadows under menus
* Show shadows under mouse pointer
* Show translucent selection rectangle
* Use drop shadows for icons labels on the desktop
* Use visual styles on windows and buttons

5. Speedup Folder Browsing

You may have noticed that everytime you open My Computer to browse folders that there is a little delay. This is because Windows XP automatically searches for network files and printers everytime you open Windows Explorer. To fix this and to increase browsing speed, you can disable the “Automatically search for network folders and printers” option.

6. Disable Performance Counters

Windows XP has a performance monitor utility which monitors several areas of your PC’s performance. These utilities take up system resources so disabling is a good idea.

* Download and install the Extensible Performance Counter List

* Then select each counter in turn in the ‘Extensible performance counters’ window and clear the ‘performance counters enabled’ checkbox at the bottom button below

7. Optimize Your Pagefile

You can optimize your pagefile. Setting a fixed size to your pagefile saves the operating system from the need to resize the pagefile.

* Right click on My Computer and select Properties
* Select the Advanced tab
* Under Performance choose the Settings button
* Select the Advanced tab again and under Virtual Memory select Change
* Highlight the drive containing your page file and make the initial Size of the file the same as the Maximum Size of the file.

Windows XP sizes the page file to about 1.5X the amount of actual physical memory by default. While this is good for systems with smaller amounts of memory (under 512MB) it is unlikely that a typical XP desktop system will ever need 1.5 X 512MB or more of virtual memory. If you have less than 512MB of memory, leave the page file at its default size. If you have 512MB or more, change the ratio to 1:1 page file size to physical memory size.

8. Remove Fonts for Speed

Fonts, especially TrueType fonts, use quite a bit of system resources. For optimal performance, trim your fonts down to just those that you need to use on a daily basis and fonts that applications may require.

* Open Control Panel
* Open Fonts folder
* Move fonts you don’t need to a temporary directory (e.g. C:\FONTBKUP?) just in case you need or want to bring a few of them back. The more fonts you uninstall, the more system resources you will gain.

9. Use a Flash Memory to Boost Performance

To improve performance, you need to install additional RAM memory. It’ll let you boot your OS much quicker and run many applications and access data quicker. There is no easiest and more technically elegant way to do it than use eBoostr (http://www.eboostr.com).

eBoostr is a little program that lets you improve a performance of any computer, powered by Windows XP in much the same way as Vista’s ReadyBoost. With eBoostr, if you have a flash drive, such as a USB flash thumb drive or an SD card, you can use it to make your computer run better. Simply plug in a flash drive through a USB socket and Windows XP will use eBoostr to utilize the flash memory to improve performance.

The product shows the best results for frequently used applications and data, which becomes a great feature for people who are using office programs, graphics applications or developer tools. It’ll surely attract a special attention of laptop owners as laptop upgrade is usually more complicated and laptop hard drives are by definition slower than those of desktops.

10. Perform a Boot Defragment

There's a simple way to speed up XP startup: make your system do a boot defragment, which will put all the boot files next to one another on your hard disk. When boot files are in close proximity to one another, your system will start faster.

On most systems, boot defragment should be enabled by default, but it might not be on yours, or it might have been changed inadvertently. To make sure that boot defragment is enabled:

* Run the Registry Editor
* Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction
* Set the Enable string value to Y if it is not already set to Y.
* Exit the Registry
* Reboot

Hope you find these 10 tips useful. Have a nice day!

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3968.shtml

How a Surge Protector Can Help a Laptop Computer

How a Surge Protector Can Help a Laptop Computer
by: Stephanie Larkin

Electrical power spikes can be devastating to any electronic device, but the damage to a laptop computer can be even more significant to its owner because of the potential for lost information and reduced productivity. Safeguarding laptop computers with a surge protector (also called surge suppressors) is one simple and inexpensive way to lessen the risk of physical damage or lost information due to electrical surges.

Fluctuations in electrical service are common around the world. Known as power spikes, surges, brownouts, and blackouts, these fluctuations can cause anything from fire to data loss in an unprotected laptop computer. When power returns, it can come in a rush, rising significantly above standard household voltage levels to burn wires, overwhelm circuits and potentially cause damage to laptops, adapters, and any external peripherals that may be connected to the computer. Even when the power surge is not strong enough to knock out a system, it can slowly damage the computer's components, reducing its reliability and lifespan. A surge protector diverts the extra voltage from a power surge to a ground wire, sparing harm to any connected electrical devices.

Most household appliances use 120- volt power (AC) - the level of electricity that you get from a regular electric outlet. Laptop computers covert 120- volt power to about 12 to 18 volts (DC) by way of an adapter that is usually located along the power cord. This conversion offers some measure of protection, but it never hurts to add the additional shield of a surge protector.

Surge protectors are inexpensive insurance for costly electrical gear. They also add functionality to most office environments, as they typically come in a power bar format that offers extra outlets. While most surge protectors are also power bars, not all power bars are surge protectors. Be sure to check whether surge protection is offered before purchasing a power bar. Power bars with surge protection may cost slightly more than a regular power bar.

Many office environments use surge protectors as part of their standard equipment configurations. However, portability is a key feature of laptops, thanks to their small size and alternate battery power, so laptop operators often find themselves using their laptops outside of the surge protected office. Ideally, laptops should be guarded by a surge protector wherever they are being plugged in, so a travel-size surge protector is a good investment. This is especially true in a hotel or large building where air conditioners, elevators or other equipment requires periodic bursts of large amounts of electrical power.

Not all surge protectors offer the same level of protection, and none can guarantee electrical equipment won't be damaged if there is a severe power surge such as that caused by a nearby lightning strike. A powerful surge may also damage the surge protector, so try to find a model with an indicator light that goes out if the unit fails to function properly. There are several Underwriters Laboratories (UL) ratings (found on the label) that can help you choose an appropriate surge protector, such as clamping voltage, energy absorption and dissipation, and response time. Clamping voltage is the point at which electricity is diverted to the ground wire. Look for 330 to 400 volts. Energy absorption and dissipation is the amount of energy, in joules, that the surge protector can handle before it fails. The higher the number the better. A rating of 200 to 400 joules is adequate, but a rating of 600 joules or more will offer superior protection. Response time is the delay between the power surge and the surge protector's diversion to ground. Faster is better, in this case, as the less time your laptop is exposed to the extra energy, the safer it will be. A response time of less than a nanosecond is desirable.

Power surge consumers who aren't knowledgeable about electricity and UL ratings can also judge a surge protector by its price: more expensive models tend to offer better protection than the cheapest discount store models. Quality laptop travel surge protectors can generally be purchased for less than $50 (USD), and offer a variety of features including telephone and network/broadband Ethernet jacks, and universal plugs and sockets that will work in countries with electric utilities offering 100 volt AC service to 240 volts AC service. Some travel adapters have built- in surge protection that protects laptops as well as cell phones and personal digital assistant (PDA) devices. Most laptop surge protectors are designed with convenience in mind, and are compact and easy to pack.

The last consideration in purchasing laptop surge protection is the quality of the warranty offered by the manufacturer. Some companies will offer compensation if equipment is damaged by a power surge while it is protected with a functioning surge protector, but warranties vary, so read the fine print.

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3977.shtml

Jumat, 25 Januari 2008

What Is Internet Fax?

What Is Internet Fax?
by: Titus Hoskins

Internet Fax is simply using the Internet or your email system to send and receive faxes. Since it is web based, you can send your faxes anytime anywhere; as long as you have an Internet connection and these days that's available just about everywhere.

You sign up with an Internet fax service provider to get your own fax number (local or toll free) which you use in the same manner as you would use any fax number. There is a small charge for this service but keep in mind you do not need an extra phone line to do Internet faxing since everything is done online.

Many small and large business owners are switching over to Internet Fax for some obvious advantages: it is very convenient, it is very fast, it offers more privacy, many faxes can be sent/received simultaneously (no busy signals) and it is available wherever you have the Internet. Plus there are no messy fax machines and no need for a second phone line.

One of the most asked questions about Internet Fax relates to the confusion over just how the whole thing works. Many traditional fax users can't quite get their heads around the idea of having faxes without the traditional fax machine.

Basically, you sign up with a fax service provider and get your own fax number and you send/receive your faxes thru your email system - your fax is attached to an email as either a TIFF or PDF format file. You can access your faxes from an online interface (your fax login site) where your faxes are received and sent. You can also store your faxes online there.

What confuses most people who are not familiar with online faxing is the question: can I still send my faxes to the old traditional machines, since many of my business partners may not be using Internet Fax?

The answer is YES!

You can send your faxes to the old traditional fax machine and if they have your fax number, they can still return a fax to you via the old traditional manner or fax machine.

Here's how Internet Fax works:

You use a fax gateway or Internet Fax provider/server to handle your faxes. For example, say if you were sending a fax.

Computer/Internet -> Fax provider/server -> Phone line -> Fax machine

You use your computer and the Internet to log into your online account/page to send your fax to your fax provider/server which then uses the phone line to send your fax to the receiving fax machine.

If you are receiving a Fax

Fax machine -> Phone line -> Fax provider/server -> Email message (thru Internet) -> Your Email account

Someone uses a fax machine to send you a fax which goes thru the phone line to your fax provider/server which converts it into a TIFF or PDF file and sends you an email message with your fax attached in your email.

If both parties are using Internet Fax, then your faxes can be sent/received using your email systems over the Internet.

Computer/email -> Fax provider/server -> Computer/email

What you really have to keep in mind, once you sign up for an Internet fax service you will have an online interface (login site) where you can send and receive your faxes. Then when you send or receive a fax, you get a confirmation in your web interface and/or by email.

This offers some great advantages such as receiving and sending your faxes whenever and wherever you access the Internet. No more busy signals, no more messy fax machines, no more nosy workers seeing the contents of your fax, and no extra phone line. Plus, many faxes can be sent/received simultaneously, even when your computer is turned off. No more missed faxes because your phone line was busy.

However, in order to get all these advantages you have to sign up for an Internet fax service. There are many well known Internet fax providers such as MyFax, eFax, RapidFax, TrustFax, Send2Fax... and some very good lesser known faxing companies such as MetroHiSpeed out of Seattle and Faxage out of Denver.

A word of caution, when signing up for any long term business service it pays to do your homework first. It pays to shop around mainly because even any small savings may prove significant over the long haul. Prices can range from very cheat (under $20 a year) to around $10 - $15 a month depending on the kind of service you need. There are many different plans and services, and keep in mind, you will pay more for International faxing.

Internet Fax seems to be the way of the future as more and more businesses go online. Besides, as we become more and more modernized, computers are offering us simple and convenient solutions to many of our daily traditional business tasks such as faxing. Can your business or any company really afford to be left behind or not take advantage of the benefits of Internet Fax? Can you still remain competitive without Internet Fax? It's your call?

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3980.shtml

Connecting Blogging And Marketing

Connecting Blogging And Marketing
by: Jon Caldwell

Everyone into the Internet business today that includes blogging and article content management are sure to know that search engine optimization (SEO) is one part for consideration when it comes to composing and using keywords proficiently. While some have been doing the necessary research surrounding SEO, others have simplified it too much that it is not really categorized under this area.

Keyword repetition is useless unless they are constructed in a way in posts to make sense. The best thing to generalize all of these is “How can you expect people to rely on your work if they do not understand what they are reading?” Such is a practice that is still being done at present. People think that the more times a keyword is used in an entry, the better it is for them.

For programs and scripts, it may be possible. But the human factor will always be the varying aspect that will make the difference. Reader count and site visits are important as well. Putting value in your blog or content is still important and this can never be taken for granted.

So the next time you make a blog or article, be wiser. Quality is still the unforeseen factor in most of your work. Do not degrade yourself for the sake of ongoing SEO trends. Just understand the whole methodology and you can find yourself on course towards efficient blogging and content management with SEO as your reward.

The gift of blogging to the masses of people who patronize the Internet is the ability of being to voice out accomplishments, frustrations and unique ideas coming from experience and personal beliefs. All people in the world will always have something to share that will be of interest. It all depends on how they put it into writing and good composition for others to read.

Blogging is not really too technical to learn and do. All it needs is the gathering of ideas and compose it in a way to which people can understand the obvious gist that people are trying to bring across. It all boils down to the quality content contained in blogs. This is something that can either be informative or used as daily thought to which is important for people to rely on.

Blogging should not be limited to what people want to read today. Many have used blogging as a form of marketing tool to help spread the word on particular words and topics. While this practice is a breakthrough for business minded individuals, they should also take into account that the entry should make sense. This is the best way to create blog entries considering that content is still the main point for their compositions.

Depending on the purpose, blogging should be left with a free-hand when composing them. The essence and the meaningful substance of such blogs can only be brought out if a person or a blogger would have no restrictions present in being able to put into writing the wandering ideas on his mind. A lot of people would be surprised at such entries, unique and providing deeper meaning if they are allowed to blog as they wish.

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3986.shtml

Kamis, 24 Januari 2008

How To Wipe Disk Drives, And Why

How To Wipe Disk Drives, And Why
by: Sam Miller

Data security has become a bigger concern as the information age goes into full swing. Computers are becoming more and more commonplace as versatile tools for a wide variety of tasks and uses. This has made digital storage increasingly the data storage format of choice, since digital information is easily accessed and processed by computers.

This has led to a rise in interest in digital information and data storage systems. Apart from developments in hardware technology that allow bigger capacity devices with faster access times, security has also become a prime consideration. Most software and programs nowadays come equipped with varying levels of security options. For instance, it is now possible to protect almost any file with a password such that only those who can provide the correct password would be able to access the information within the file.

However, these software security measures would not stand up to dedicated data extraction efforts, in particular those involving the actual physical hardware. Physically securing the hard drive (or other data storage device) under consideration may not always be possible or practical. Another way of ensuring that important data is not placed at risk is to wipe the disk.

Simply deleting the contents of a hard disk is not enough to ensure that they are not recovered. In fact, there are software utilities that allow the recovery of deleted data. This possibility is because when a file is deleted, it is not actually overwritten or removed from the hard disk. Instead, a marker is just associated with the file to say that it has been deleted, and the space it occupies on the disk is marked available for use. This means that the data in the file remains on the disk for the knowledgeable hacker to extract and view.

Wiping a disk, on the other hand, is a much more thorough process. In a disk wipe, all data to be wiped off is actually overwritten with random data. This eliminates almost entirely the traces that a normal deletion leaves behind, and makes recovery of data practically impossible. (In theory, it would still be possible to reconstruct the data lost after a hard disk wipe, but this would require high-powered microscopes and would proceed much too slowly to be useful!)

Performing a disk wipe is facilitated by the many disk wipe programs available. There are many free options, as well as commercial software options, which may differ in terms of functionality and documentation. The majority of these are available online, which makes it quite easy to browse through and find the most appropriate program for the specific task. Some programs are designed for use on a single personal computer, while others may be designed for use on batches of computers.

Confidential data that needs to be kept from being exposed may best be hidden by using a disk wipe. This simple additional security measure makes the recovery of deleted data nearly impossible. With the many disk wipe programs available, it is easier than ever to perform a disk wipe, even for casual users, making this a real data security option.

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3991.shtml

Why Wipe Free Disk Space?

Why Wipe Free Disk Space?
by: Sam Miller

Computers have found very many applications in today’s world, in almost every field of human activity. Offices, schools, libraries, and other organizations that need to keep track of and organize huge masses of information have found that computers perform this task admirably. Scientists and engineers have been able to leverage the massive computing power now available to help solve problems once thought unsolvable, and to develop new technologies through simulation. Writers, visual artists, and even musical composers have also found that computers can provide new and exciting ways for them to practice their respective crafts.

Because of this, it has also become quite important to look at the different ways of storing digital data. Digital data here refers to that information stored in methods that make it accessible to computers, such as on hard disks or compact discs (CD’s). Apart from increasing the amount of data that could be stored on a particular digital storage device, discussions of data security have also arisen.

Computers have been made to handle confidential information, which is meant to be protected from unauthorized access. Password protection is now an option with most programs that work with digital files, and so is of course keeping the computers in question physically secure. Sometimes, however, it may become necessary to delete certain files in such a manner as to leave no traces on the medium.

This is where the disk wiping or file shredding operation comes in. These processes are distinguished from ordinary deletion by the fact that they are more permanent. The data disposed of using either of these two processes are much more difficult to recover than data merely deleted. This is so because when a file is deleted, it is actually not removed from the hard disk. Instead, what happens is just that it is marked “deleted”, and the space it occupies on the disk surface is marked “available”.

In other words, the file information remains on the hard disk, available for curious eyes to recover and view. In the file shredding operation, the area on the hard disk where the file is stored is actually overwritten with random data. This helps to mask any traces that the file has left on the hard disk, and makes recovering the shredded file’s information virtually impossible.

A disk wipe is simply the same operation, but performed over the entire area of the hard disk, to more or less permanently delete all data on the disk.

Some programs have the function of wiping free disk space. This may seem useless, at first encounter, but it actually does have its own uses. Some programs such as word processors or spreadsheets may create temporary files that hold information. Also, previously deleted files that have not yet been wiped are still on the disk, available for recovery. By wiping the free disk space, these temporary files are removed, and the previously deleted files become gone for good. Wiping free disk space would be a useful habit to form, to help guard against the unintentional recovery of deleted data, thought lost.

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3992.shtml

Beware of this Domain Appraisal Scam

Beware of this Domain Appraisal Scam
by: Brian Holland

I recently received several e mails from domain sellers who had fallen victim to a domain appraisal scam. The scam starts with a mail the seller receives concerning a domain they own and the scammer showing interest in buying it.

The scammers find information about their targets on Ebay and on Whois.

In the first mail they tell you that they are a new player wanting to invest money in the domain market as a side business and inquire how much you want for the domain.

Next step is the mail in which they accept your asking price for the domain. The scammers tell you that they want you to get the domain appraised as they don’t want to make a bad investment. The scammers want the appraisal from a certain manual appraisal website which they believe to be a good one, ofcourse this appraisal website is part of the scam. This appraisal website gives a highly inflated appraisal value and asks a high fee for it ( up to over a hundred dollars) as they know you need the appraisal to sell the domain.

The end of this story is that once you have mailed your appraisal you never hear from your buyers again. leaving you one hundred dollars poorer and an absolutely useless appraisal richer. This is a very cunningly operated scam and to show you how such a scam mail looks i give you a real

example of such an email below.

Email 1:


We ‘ve found your domain name listed for sale..

If you are still interested in selling please send your quote and I will

consider it with my partners.

Main direction of our business is software development and technical


Domain names is not our business but a new way to earn on reselling. We are

going to buy domains to resell them at higher prices since we have a large

database of clients interested in good domains.

Looking forward to do business with you.


Email 2:

You want 13,500 USD. Ok.

Do you sell domain with a web site or just the name?

If it’s just the name it’s ok. A web site is not necessary.

Have you had your domains appraised already? Can you show me your valuation certificates? As far as I know it’s a common practice to show appraisal of domain name (even without traffic and web site) before doing business.

Without an appraisal I risk to overpay. In other words I won’t be able to make a profit on reselling this name. It’s very important for you and me to know the current market value of your domains.

Of course, we must be sure that you are engaging an appraisal company with REAL manual service. I heard many appraisal companies often made inaccurate auto-generated appraisals. I will only accept appraisals from independent sources I trust. To avoid mistakes I asked domain experts about reputable appraisal companies in a forum. (they now give you a link of a forum you have to check out)

Just check this posting.

If the appraisal comes higher you can adjust your asking price accordingly. I also hope you can give me 10 discount of the appraised value.

After I get an appraisal from you we’ll continue our negotiations.

How do you prefer to get paid: Escrow.com, PayPal.com check or wire?

Hope we can come to an agreement fast.

Looking forward to your reply.

So if you ever get an email like this, you know what to do. Scrap it. Just remember this wise saying that if something sounds too good to be true it probably is.

Article Source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_3997.shtml

Spyware Remover: Bursting Out The Spyware And Adware

Spyware Remover: Bursting Out The Spyware And Adware
by: Arvind Singh

Spyware Remover is evolved as the need to keep your privacy intact when you do computing or surfing the Internet. These programs do block the suspected entry and clean any malicious codes. How to burst off their presence on the computer? Simply read this.

Spyware Remover is evolved as the need to keep your privacy intact when you do computing or surfing the Internet. This program can block Spyware and their suspected entries and even clean any malicious codes. To effectively remove Spyware Adware from the system, the Spyware remover proceeds on full scan with some intricate areas like system files and registries. Collecting the required matches, the files are marked and presented on for removal.

As we all know that there are many companies who wish to increase their customer base are misusing this Spyware to gain the access to the computer using patterns. Even if these Spyware programs can harm to the computers, it doesn't matter at all to such companies. All they expect an advertisement show to us. These advertisement reminding and pseudo-search service are dealt very strictly.

The Spyware also work is dual mode by tricking the security settings and modifying the system registries. Some of them install two components simultaneously if one is removed another one reinstalls it. Well, if this is case then also no worry. As we now have Spyware removers! These Spyware removal tools not only chase these but it also helps us by tracking the events and blocks the program tree execution.

To stop Spyware or to block Spyware on your system, these Spyware removers have improved signature definition and are available with the latest updates. To remove Adware Spyware from your system, many anti-Spyware software companies have taken some serious steps in their offering, as you can evaluate their offering by the free versions downloads. Moreover, some free anti-Spyware may have some better-added advantages like combo action of detection, cleaning and prevention, which is often carried out with installation of the frequent updates and feed backs.

To stop Spyware or such types getting installed on your computer just look up at forums, discussions boards, search engines, and various software communities. You are sure to get correct information about some reliable Spyware removers. Don't forget that if any of the above techniques will not work effectively on the privacy intruders like your favorite Spyware, then don't hesitate to ask people for a better help on all those forum sites that you browse most of the time whenever you are in a hunt for getting information. Now when all of you have understood the concept and working efficiency of spyware removers, than get it installed right now!

Article Source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_4007.shtml

Selasa, 22 Januari 2008

How To Browse The Web In China When Your Favorite Sites Are Blocked

How To Browse The Web In China When Your Favorite Sites Are Blocked
by: Jimson Lee

If you want to see the differences between Google’s top level domains, try Google’s Image search from 2 different URLs:


Type in the Search box: “Tian'anmen Square massacre” or “Tian An Men Square massacre”. Ironically, this translates to “Gate of Heavenly Peace”.


It is well known that in China, certain websites like BBC and CNN are blocked. But you can get around it by use of a Proxy Server.

What is a Proxy Server?

A Proxy Server services requests from clients by forwarding requests to other servers.

If you are computer “C”, and you want to access server “S” but it is blocked, point your client’s web browser to Proxy Server “P”.

So C -> P -> S

An example of such a site is www.kproxy.com (ignore the pop-up windows) but if you search the web for proxy servers, you can have a list of thousands. Some are even more specific on what services you want enabled or disabled, such as removing JavaScript, enabling cookies, or displaying images.

As long as your network connection’s ISP isn’t blocking the Proxy Server, you can get access to those sites. And some get creative by using another standard HTTP port 80. Ports 8080 or 8081 are the most common, so you would enter proxyserver.com:8080 for the URL.

Circumventor Proxy server

A Circumventor is a Proxy servers used for defeating blocking policies implemented by an organization or country when “censorship” blocks access to certain sites. Of course, having a known list of proxy servers beforehand would be really helpful if you are planning a trip to such countries with censorship.

Anonymizing Proxy server

On the other hand, if I was an employee and wanted to check out my competition without them tracking my IP address, then this is an example of an Anonymizing proxy server.

An Anonymizing Proxy server is the correct term for the purpose of anonymity and is an alternate way using your AOL dialup account. Besides, you want to take advantage of your high speed Internet connection, don’t you?

Reverse Proxy Server?

The reverse holds true with a reverse proxy server. Your corporate firewall may have a proxy server where everyone’s internal computer points to a central proxy server, and that server goes out and services requests.

Pros: it does speed up surfing for users, as it caches web site information and images from previously searched sites. It would also reduce the traffic, as the information is already stored and no need to go the destination site again. As well, the proxy server adds an additional level of security next to your corporate firewall.

Cons: your company can track every site you surf, and how long you stay on that particular site. Not good if you spend all day checking your hockey pool stats, or surfing questionable sites.

Open Proxies

Caution should be taken as Open Proxies are usually abused for sending spam or even hacking into your own machine. You have no idea what is on the server, including keystroke trackers to capture your keyboard input. So the next time you enter your user ID and password on one of these open proxies, think again.

I hope this sheds some light on ways to get around censorship.

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_4010.shtml


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Free Spyware Removal Software - Why Use It?

Free Spyware Removal Software - Why Use It?
by: Raymond Johansen

I guess most of us have been bothered with spyware infections once or more. Nobody likes that their computer become slow because of them, and nobody likes to pay a huge pile of cash just to get rid of them either. In this article I write about a great spyware removal tool that is free. What you get for zero bucks could sometimes actually be a whole lot.

When people get infections into their home computer, many are not aware of the existence of such threats. They just keep on working with their slow running computers until they stop almost completely. Some ask friends or relatives with a little computer experience to take a look at their computer. Therefore I will try to explain the importance of having protection, and how to get something that works.

Through the two latest decades we have seen computers eventually come into our lives, and that we use them more and more, and integrate them to become more or less a necessity in our homes. But, when internet was made public in 1990 we also began to see more and more of all the problems that came along with it.

An experience that I've had often is, when a system was near a breakdown, the problems was very often caused by a massive infection of online threats. Today we know them as spyware, adware, worms, trojan horses or viruses. They crawl up your cables and into your system, and when they become many they start competing with eachother for the available resources.

This will cause the computer to slow down, and when it eventually comes to a complete stop, the number of nfections will be too high for the computer to handle. All the power you need to do your stuff will be unavailable. An overrun system is of no real value to the user, because there are virtually no resources left to run real programs. This computer system has also become a real danger to privacy.

A good security tool could get rid of these bugs. I recommend that you have three basic types of security software installed on your system. Number one is a firewall protection. This will help prevent hackers from breaking into your system. Number two is a good antivirus solution. This keeps viruses, worms, trojan horses and often other types of threats away. Number three is to have a good spyware removal tool, because these threats are the most common ones today. They spread between computers like wildfire. Some of them are even made to steal your private information.

A quality piece of security software would protect you from various types of threats. But no software will make your system total immune, and a combination of different pieces of quality software is always preferred.

No matter what, it is always better to atleast have somekind of protection software installed, rather than nothing at all. So you might need to look for some you too. A good place to do this is online. This is because you simply get the fastest delivery and the best prices. But you have to look carefully for it.

I need to alert you about a new type of threats that is spreading around the world these days. A bug slips into your system, and almost instantly pops up with a warning about a "system error" from something called "Security Center" or similar. You should pay attention to this kind.

They infect you in the first place, then they want you to purchase a remedy for their disease and other types of infections. But most of them don't get rid of anything but the warnings, and even slips more bugs into your computer. Sneaky don't you think?

There are alot of software and solutions to choose from. Some are expensive, some are cheap, some are good and some are worse. They vary as much quality as they vary in price, and the most expensive ones are not by far always the best ones.

Infact there are actually spyware removal software packages that will protect against several categories of threats, and it will even clean up your computer's registry. This feature alone is a good way to increase the computers speed. I know about a really great tool that will do all this for you, and even for free.

This package does unfornately not include a firewall protection, but if you are running Windows XP there is a good firewall included in this operating-system. Just go to the control panel, and then to the Windows security center to activate it. It works great, and you should definately turn it on if you have it in the first place. This firewall in combination with the totally free spyware removal tool we provide on our website, you'll suddenly have a nice protection.

If you see the point of being protected for free rather than not protected, I have met my goal. Take care, and secure your computer properly. More information about this great free tool is to be found at our website.

Article source : http://www.articlecity.com/articles/computers_and_internet/article_4011.shtml

About The Author
Raymond Johansen is the CEO/Founder of FreePcAssistance.com - A website dedicated to online security. Visit our website if you want to download a free spyware removal tool. http://www.freepcassistance.com/free-spyware-removal.php